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From failure to favor

10-08-2020 - John Scott | Genesis 32:24-28

In the book of Genesis, we become familiar with the story of Jacob. Many people only know Jacob by what he did to his brother Esau. However, through God’s intervention and love, Jacob became something more. In our text, Jacob’s life has come full circle and he was forced to deal with his past. However, before he was to meet his brother and make amends for his misdeeds, Jacob had an encounter with an Angel of God. This encounter would reshape his destiny and purpose in life. After having prevailed in the wrestling match, he was given a new name. This name was to represent the promise God had placed upon His people. In that instance, Jacob moved from failure to favor. This happened because he refused to let go of God.

Maybe you have made some mistakes in the past. Maybe you are making one now; however, I want to encourage you to hold on to God’s unchanging hand. If you hold on to God, He will move you from failure to favor.

To God be the glory!
Pastor Curlee Adams

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