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Broken, but blessed

11-05-2019 - John Scott | Genesis 32:26

Have you ever been broken? Broken is when you find yourself in a place of dismay, disappointment and hurt. Broken people are often brought to tears because of the circumstances they face. Yet, in the midst of brokenness God can do some wonderful things in your life. In our text, Jacob is wrestling with God. As Jacob is about to prevail, God touches his Hip socket, which causes it to break. This breaking of Jacob’s Hip is a symbolic representation of God breaking us, so as to allow his will to take place in our lives. After having his Hip broken, Jacob realizes who he is wrestling with and tells him “I will not let you go until you bless me.” After making this statement, God blesses Jacob. When you find yourself broken, hold on to God until he blesses you.

To God be the glory!!
Pastor Curlee Adams

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