01-08-2025 - John Scott | 1 Peter 5:6-7

When you hear someone say they are stressed, what’s the first thing you think of? For some, in our current society, just hearing the word “stress” can invoke a myriad of reactions. At home, at work, driving on the highway, taking your teenage daughter to the mall (you know who you are), there seems to be stressful situations at every turn. Let’s not even delve into finances, health and the political environment!

To refer back to your days of Junior High School health class, we all understand that stress is simply the body’s response to address threats in life. We all may react differently to different types of stress. One of the key challenges is HOW we manage stress. In an art by the Mayo Clinic, here are some of the ways to relieve stress; many I use regularly:

Physical activity
Healthy eating
Personal contact with family and friends

Any of these sound familiar to you? I will suggest one very important stress reliever that was not mentioned; prayer! When we bring our concerns to God in prayer, He will always listen. In the gospel of John, Christ said“ “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God ; believe also in me.” ~ John? ?14?:?1? ?NIV?. Focus on Jesus ~ He wants us to lay our troubles down because He cares for us. When we do, we can trust that we will have the strength to overcome the stress of life!

J. W. Lee

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