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Let Go and Let GOD

01-18-2023 - John Scott | Ephesians 4:32

Ephesians 4:32
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

One reason we resist forgiving is that we don`t really understand what forgiveness is or how it works. While God commands us to forgive others, He never told us to keep trusting those who violated our trust or even to like being around those who hurt us.

As we turn the calendar to a new year, let`s purposely leave some stuff behind and some people too. A good fire must be fueled and stoked. Be careful what fuels you. Build up your faith. Your faith is based on love principles and when you take hits to your soul, the hurts are destructive and counter-productive to your wholeness and healing.

Forgiveness requires a purging to take place. Some forgiveness is physical; it’s a handshake or a hug. Other times, it’s a declaration by words, or a simple I’m sorry. God doesn’t accept unforgiveness. Let’s remember that it takes only one to start the process. You asking for forgiveness doesn`t require acceptance by the other party. At the point of delivery, your forgiveness, when done in sincerity, you are forgiven.

The benediction says: now unto Him that is able to keep us for falling and present us faultless before the throne. To the only wise God our Savior, be glory, dominion and power, henceforth, now and forevermore.

Let go and let God!
God Bless You!
J. W. Lee

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